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株式会社ランドスケープ・プラス|LANDSCAPE PLUS LTD


Furthering Communities  Through Connections





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There are landscapes that people feel close to. At Landscape Plus, our vision is to create landscape designs that protect these landscapes and ensure their future . It’s not about just solving the immediate problems: in each project, our goal is to recapture the relationship between humans and nature.

Whether on an urban or residential scale, looking to nature will spur environmental performance. The key is for all areas to develop while forging connections with each other: that’s what creates new value. The chain of environments we forge becomes a new asset for localities, and a way for people to become more aware of the global perspective.

Our goal is for you to look at our work and from it imagine landscapes you could make your own. It’s our belief that the small links we forge here will eventually join together into major changes that transform communities.


Tatsuya Hiraga, CEO 

Landscape Plus

Copyright  © LANDSCAPE PLUS LTD.  All Rights Reserved

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